Board of Directors

Board Member Fiduciary Duties

When owners are elected or appointed to the board of directors, it’s critical to understand the importance of fiduciary duties.  A fiduciary is a person “to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another.”  In homeowner and condominium associations, directors are fiduciaries who must act in the best interests of the association and the membership as a whole. Washington law states:

A director shall perform the duties of a director, including the duties as a member of any committee of the board upon which the director may serve, in good faith, in a manner such director believes to be in the best interests of the corporation, and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. (RCW 24.03)

Oregon’s standard of conduct for directors is similar:

General standards for directors. (1) A director shall discharge the duties of a director, including the director’s duties as a member of a committee:

      (a) In good faith;

      (b) With the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances; and

      (c) In a manner the director reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation. (ORS 65.357)

There are four key elements to fiduciary duties:

1.  Act in the best interests of the association

Board members must act in the best interests of the entire membership. In other words, directors may not favor particular members because of personal interests, friendships, or financial gain.  This also implies that directors must put their own interests below the interests of the community, even if those interests conflict.

2. Act with care and seek advice

Courts generally review actions of board members and compare those actions with what a reasonably prudent person would have done in the same circumstances.  If directors must make decisions with legal implications, then an attorney should be consulted.  If issues arise involving tax or financial issues, the board should speak with an accountant.  Get expert advice when necessary in order to make informed decisions. Acting with care also requires acting within the scope of the board’s authority.  There must be authority for every action and decision of the board, whether it’s from state law, the CC&Rs, bylaws, or rules and regulations.

3. Act in good faith

Board members are generally protected from personal liability if they exercise sound judgment and fulfill their fiduciary duties.  However, if board members make decisions based on fraud, malice, or discrimination, personal liability may arise because of the failure to act in good faith.

4. Avoid conflicts of interest

Oregon law defines a conflict of interest as: 65.361 Director conflict of interest. (1) A conflict of interest transaction is a transaction with the corporation in which a director of the corporation has a direct or indirect interest.

Conflicts of interest arise when board members make decisions in which they have a personal or financial interest.  If those situations arise, board members must disclose the conflict and (in most cases) recuse themselves from voting.

Recording Board Meetings

Audio or video recording of board meetings typically happens under two circumstances: 1) the secretary of the association records the meeting to assist with creating meeting minutes; and 2) an owner in the audience (without permission) records the meeting. Carefully consider any policy which allows the recording of board meetings. Directors are often less inclined to speak freely if the meeting is recorded. Recording for Meeting Minute Preparation

If the board records meetings for the purpose of creating meeting minutes, adopt a policy stating how long the recordings will be kept. At the expiration of that time period, destroy the recordings.

In most cases, however, there is no need to record board meetings for the purpose of creating minutes. Meeting minutes should contain the motions made, who seconded the motion, and whether the motion passed. Oregon law also requires to list which board members voted yes and which members voted no. Attempting to summarize the discussion or debate of the motion is not required, and generally not advised.

Owner Recording of Board Meetings

Oregon condominium and homeowner associations (and Washington homeowner associations) are required to allow owners to attend board meetings. Although many boards have an open forum for owners at the start or end of the board meeting, owners are not allowed to otherwise participate or vote at board meetings.

Under Robert’s Rules of Order, the board of directors is entitled to adopt rules of order or standing rules governing its meetings. If the board’s decision is to prohibit the recording of board meetings, simply adopt a policy stating that no audio or video recording is allowed.

In addition, ORS 165.540 prohibits the recording of any conversation unless all parties to the conversation are specifically informed. This statute can be used to prevent the secret or unauthorized recording of board meetings. If an owner continues to record a board meeting, the owner can be asked to leave the meeting once the board has adopted a policy.

Avoiding Personal Liability as a Board Member

Board members in community associations owe fiduciary duties to the association and the membership.  Fiduciary duties are duties above and beyond the normal obligations which a person owes to the public and to fellow citizens. This means that board members must act and make decisions which are in the best interest of the community, even at the expense of the board member’s individual interests.  Just because you’re a volunteer, this duty is not diminished.

Under the scope of fiduciary duties, the law imposes two duties: the duty of loyalty and the duty of care.  The duty of loyalty requires board members to avoid self-dealing during the course of decision making.  The duty of care means that a board member must consider the best interests of the association when acting as a board member. 

Fortunately, courts have adopted the “business judgment rule”.  This rule states that the court will not second guess a decision of the board or hold a board member personally liable. The rule will apply so long as the board members fulfilled their duty of care and duty of loyalty.  Thus, if an owner sues the board over a decision the court will apply the business judgment rule and insulate individual board members from personal liability. 

A Washington State Court of Appeals Case applied the business judgment rule after an owner sued the board and association for alleged maintenance issues.  The board undertook an investigation and even hired different experts to determine the cause of a water leak into the owner’s unit.  Nevertheless, the owner sued the board.  The Court refused to hold the board members liable:

Because they are given this wide latitude, the law will not hold directors liable for honest errors, for mistakes of judgment, when they act without corrupt motive and in good faith, that is, for mistakes which may properly be classified under the head of honest mistakes. And that is true even though the errors may be so gross that they may demonstrate the unfitness of the directors to manage the corporate affairs. This rule is commonly referred to as the "business judgment rule."

Keep in mind that the business judgment rules requires that board members:

1. Are informed about association business and affairs;

2. Attend and participate in meetings;

3. Are knowledgable about the governing documents of the association; and

4. Seek outside help (accountants, lawyers, or other experts) when necessary.

With any major decision each board member should ask if they have done everything necessary in order for the business judgment rule to apply.

5 Ways to Invite Lawsuits Against Board Members and Associations

1.  Violating Open Meeting Requirements Board meetings in Oregon (by statute) must be open to the membership. The same is true for Washington condominiums or any community association with open meetings requirements in the governing documents. The purpose of open meeting requirements is to allow the membership to witness the deliberation, discussion, and decision making of the board of directors.

There are exceptions to the open meetings requirements--namely, emergency meetings and executive session. But unless an exception applies, any time a majority of the board convenes and discusses association business, it's likely a "meeting". And if it's a meeting, it requires notice and observation by the membership.

Violating open meeting requirements casts a shadow on board transparency, causes suspicion among the owners, and increasingly, may cause a lawsuit against the association or board of directors.

2.  Failing to Renew Incorporation

Most associations are incorporated as nonprofit corporations. In some cases, it's legally required that the association be incorporated. Incorporation may provide a shield against liability for board members and owners.

In a 2010 Alabama case, a homeowners association attempted to enforce its architectural restrictions against an owner who constructed improvements without approval. The Alabama Court of Appeals held that the association could only enforce the governing documents if the association was incorporated.

Georgia dealt with a similar case in 2007, when an association filed suit against an owner for delinquent assessments. The owner claimed that because the association had become administratively dissolved when it filed the suit, the association was prohibited from collecting assessments. During the course of the lawsuit the association filed the appropriate renewal paperwork and was reinstated with the secretary of state. As a result, the court allowed the association to pursue collections.

For Oregon associations, visit to check on the association's incorporation status.

Washington associations can search here:

3. Failing to Enforce Governing Documents

Board members have an obligation to enforce the provisions of the association's CC&Rs and Bylaws. If a board fails to enforce provisions of the governing documents for an extended period of time, many courts will find that the association has "waived" its right to enforce the same or other provisions.

In an Ohio case, an owner built an addition on his property. The association sued the owner, arguing that the additional building violated the CC&Rs. The court said that because the association had allowed other owners to build unapproved additions, the association couldn't require the defendant in this case to remove the building.

Similarly, some governing documents require the association to make architectural decisions within a certain number of days. The association may waive its right to enforce those covenants if it misses the deadline to respond. In a different Ohio case, the association's documents required the board to respond to architectural applications within 30 days. When the owner didn't receive a response, he proceeded with construction. When the association told the owner he could not proceed, the owner sued and prevailed because the association didn't make a decision within the 30 day window.

4. Violating the Fair Housing Act

There are literally hundreds of court cases involving lawsuits against associations for violations of the Federal Fair Housing Act. Here are some examples:

Auburn Woods I Homeowners Association v. Fair Employment and Housing Comm., 121 Cal App 4th 1578 (2004). A married couple suffered from depression and other disorders. The association's governing documents prohibited all animals. The couple bought a small companion dog to accommodate their mental condition and a lawsuit ensued. The association was found liable of discrimination.

Jacobs v. Concord Village Condominium X Association, Inc., 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4876 (S.D. Fla., 2004). The court found that the defendant condominium association had violated the Fair Housing Act by refusing to allow a physically handicapped resident to install a ramp so that the plaintiff could freely store, access and charge her motorized tricycle in a storage closet in the condominium building.

Sabal Palm Condominiums of Pine Island Ridge Association, Inc. v. Fischer, No. 12-60691-Civ-SCOLA (S.D. Fla. March 19, 2014). A Florida district court ruled that a condominium association violated the Fair Housing Act by its unreasonable delay in granting a request by a physically disabled resident to keep a service dog.

Hollis v. Chestnut Bend Homeowners Association, No. 13-6434 (6th Cir. July 29, 2014). A Tennessee homeowners association may have violated the Act when it denied owners from constructing an exterior sun room which was designed to accommodate two children with Downs Syndrome.

Board of Directors of Cameron Grove Condominium, II v. State of Maryland Commission on Human Relations, No. 47 (Md. Mar. 28, 2013). A Maryland appeals court ordered a condominium board to pay damages to unit owners who were denied reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. Bhogaita v. Altamonte Heights Condominium Association, Inc., No. 6:11-cv-1637-Orl-31DAB (M.D. Fla. Dec. 17, 2012). A Florida court found that a condominium association's intrusive search for more information regarding a unit owner's medical condition constituted a denial of his requested accommodation under the Fair Housing Act.

5. Filing Incorrect Liens / Collecting Inconsistent Assessments

May lawsuits involve associations levying assessments which are inconsistent with the governing documents. In a 2004 Texas case, an association's governing documents capped assessments at $50 per month. Nevertheless, the board unilaterally raised assessments to $75 per month. An owner sued the association and the court ordered the association to reimburse the owner for the overpaid assessments, plus pay the owner's attorney fees.

In another case, the owner of a commercial condominium unit in Georgia filed a lawsuit when the association levied assessments against the commercial unit to pay for expenses related exclusively to the residential units. The court's review of the governing documents concluded that the association was prohibited from assessing the commercial unit owners for residential unit expenses.

Make sure you read the assessment provisions of your governing documents carefully, and that all assessments are properly apportioned among the owners!

Robert's Rules for Small Boards

Robert’s Rules of Order is the most effective tool to ensure efficient, civil, and effective meetings. However, sometimes the formality of Robert’s Rules isn’t necessary. For small board meetings it may not make sense to follow (the sometimes tedious) formal parliamentary procedure. Under Robert’s Rules a “small” board is 12 individuals or less. Robert’s Rules recognizes that small boards may want to operate in a more relaxed and informal setting. Small boards may opt to use the “Informal Procedure for Small Boards” described in Robert’s Rules, 10th Ed., p. 469-71. Here are the key differences between the formal and informal procedures:

1. Board members do not have to stand or be recognized by the chair in order to speak or make motions.

2. Motions need not be seconded.

3. A board member may speak any number of times on a question, and motions to close or limit debate are generally not permitted.

4. A motion does not have to be pending in order to discuss a subject informally.

5. Votes can be taken initially by a show of hands.

6. If a proposal is perfectly clear to everyone it may be voted on even though no formal motion has been made.

7. In putting questions to a vote, the chairman need not stand.

8. The chairman can participate in debate just as any other board member.

So, for small and informal board meetings it may make sense to use the informal procedures. If a majority of the board agrees to “opt-in” to the small board procedures, reflect that in the minutes and proceed under the informal procedures.

The Difference Between Board Members and Officers

There is often confusion about the difference between directors and officers in condominium and homeowner associations.  Much of the confusion stems from the business world, where typically the board members of a corporation are different individuals than the officers.  For example, IBM has 13 individuals on its board of directors, and nearly 20 officers--all different individuals. In community associations, however, the individual board members are usually the same individuals who serve as officers.  There are distinctions between the roles.

First, board members are almost always elected by a vote of the association's owners.  And (usually) may only be removed or recalled by a vote of the owners.  Officers, on the other hand, are typically elected or appointed by the board members, without a vote and without the input of the ownership.  Most governing documents provide that officers can be removed by a majority vote of the board members--without a vote of the ownership.

You may have heard that the chair of the association only votes in the event of a tie.  This is true--especially in the corporate world.  However, at an association board meeting, the board members are voting in their capacity as board members, not in their capacity as officers.  Assuming the chair of the association is also a board member, the chair has a duty to vote!

Lastly, many governing documents outline specific duties of board members and officers.  Review those provisions carefully and look for differences between the roles.

[As always, your association's governing documents may have provisions which are different than the general information provided above.  Consult legal counsel if questions arise.]

Open Meetings and Executive Session

Open Meetings Requirement Washington and Oregon require homeowner association board meetings to be open to the membership. (ORS 94.640 / RCW 64.38.035)

First, it is important to understand what constitutes a “board meeting.” Oregon law defines a board meeting as “a convening of a quorum of members of the board of directors at which association business is discussed, except a convening of a quorum of members of the board of directors for the purpose of participating in litigation, mediation or arbitration proceedings”

If a quorum of the board is discussing association business, whether in person or by electronic means, the board communication is considered a “meeting" which must comply with the open meetings requirements as set forth by statute.

In general, all meetings of the board must be open to owners and properly noticed, except for emergency meetings. There is no specific definition of an “emergency,” but it would likely include addressing items such as threats to the immediate health, life or safety of residents or preventing significant or irreparable damage to the common property of the Association.

Board members often ask if it’s okay to communicate with other board members via email. Oregon law addresses this issue: “the meeting and notice requirements in this section may not be circumvented by chance or social meetings or by any other means”.

In other words, alternate forms of communication, such as email, cannot and should not be used for the purpose of circumventing the open meetings requirements. It is crucial to understand the risk that any decisions that the Board makes at, or as a result of, improper meetings could potentially be invalidated.

Executive Session

Oregon and Washington provide an exception to the open meetings requirement. Boards may meet in executive session, outside the presence of the owners, to discuss certain topics.

In Washington, those topics include:

1. Consideration of personnel matters; 2. Consultation with legal counsel or to consider communications with legal counsel, and discuss likely or pending litigation, 3. Matters involving possible violations of the governing documents of the association; and 4. Matters involving the possible liability of an owner to the association.

In Oregon, executive session topics include:

1. Consultation with legal counsel; 2. Personnel matters, including salary negotiations and employee discipline; 3. Negotiation of contracts with third parties; and 4. Collection of unpaid assessments.

Here’s how executive session works: During a normal, open board meeting, any board member may make a motion to convene in executive session. The minutes of the meeting should reflect the motion to convene in executive session. The board members then discuss the relevant issues in executive session.  Once the discussion is complete, the board reconvenes to the open meeting. If any motions or decisions need to be made, they are done so once the board has returned to the open meeting. There are no motions, and no voting, during the executive session.

Remember, the purpose of the open meetings laws is to ensure that owners are able to observe the deliberations, debates and decision making of the board of directors. Open meetings and transparency are critical to a well-run association.

Turnover in Condominiums and HOAs - Oregon

Organization of Association The Oregon Planned Community Act (PCA) and the Oregon Condominium Act (OCA) require that an association of owners be formed for the purpose of administrating, managing, and operating the development. The PCA specifically requires the declarant to organize the association as a nonprofit corporation under the Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Act (See ORS chapter 65) and adopt and record the initial bylaws not later than the date on which the first lot is conveyed.   With respect to a condominium, upon the recording of the declaration and bylaws, an unincorporated association is created by operation of law. Typically, the governing documents require the declarant to incorporate the association as a nonprofit corporation under ORS Chapter 65 prior to the conveyance of the first unit or by the turnover meeting discussed below.

Declarant Rights Relating to Control of Association.  

Subject to certain statutory limitations, a declaration may provide for a period of declarant control of the association. A declarant’s control of an association may include the authority to appoint and remove officers and members of the board of directors of the association, to exercise powers and responsibilities otherwise assigned by the declaration and bylaws to the association, to approve amendments to the declaration or bylaws and, to allocate a greater number of votes to lots or units owned by the declarant. However, even though a declarant may initially control an association, the association itself is a separate entity.

Transition from Developer Control to Control by Owners

Transition is frequently characterized as a process and not an event. This concept is reflected in the PCA and OCA, both of which require the formation of a transitional advisory committee. This committee provides for the transition from administrative control by the declarant to administrative control by the association and its board and is generally referred to as a “turnover.” The timetable and procedure for turnover is established by the PCA or OCA and the declaration. A smooth transition, one that is well organized and amicable, will minimize conflicts and be in the best interests of all involved parties. A successful transition significantly contributes to the success of a development.

Transitional Advisory Committee

As mentioned, the PCA and the OCA provide for the formation of a transitional advisory committee to facilitate the transition from the administrative control by the declarant to control by the association. For condominiums, the formation of a transitional advisory committee is only required if the condominium consists of at least 20 units or, if it is a staged or flexible condominium, the number of units that may annexed or created totals 20. For a planned community created on and after January 1, 2002, a transitional advisory committee is only required for Class I Planned Communities. A transitional advisory committee is advisory only. However, it can request access to the information, documents and records that the declarant must deliver to the owners at the turnover meeting. Serving on the committee provides owners an opportunity to become familiar with the governing documents, budgets, architectural and other restrictions, rules and other critical aspects of association operation and management. Members of the advisory committee are often those owners who ultimately run for, and are elected to, board positions at the turnover meeting.

Turnover Process

Turnover marks the time when legal control of an association is transferred from the declarant to the owners. However, a developer who retains a majority of the units may still practically control the association.

Calling of the Turnover Meeting

The PCA and OCA require the declarant to call the turnover meeting within 90 days of the expiration of any declarant control specified in the declaration. If no such control has been reserved in the declaration, the PCA and OCA specify a time by which such meeting must be called. The declarant must give notice of the turnover meeting in accordance with the bylaws and PCA or OCA. If the turnover meeting is not called by the declarant within the time specified, for a condominium, the meeting may be called and notice given by an owner. In the case of a planned community, the meeting may be called and notice given by an owner or the transitional advisory committee.

Turnover Meeting

At the turnover meeting, owners elect a board of directors and the declarant has the obligation to deliver all property of the owners and association held or controlled by the declarant, as well as all items specified in the PCA and OCA. This includes the association’s governing documents and financial records. Turnover is a critical time in the life of an association. It is therefore important that the association consider retaining the assistance of an attorney experienced in HOA law to ensure a smooth transition and enable the new board to function in a manner that is consistent with all applicable laws and meets the needs of the development.

Three-Month Period After Turnover Meeting.

To facilitate an orderly transition, during the three-month period following the turnover meeting, the declarant, or an informed representative, is required to be available to meet with the board of directors on at least three mutually acceptable dates to review the documents delivered at the turnover meeting.

Review of Financial Statement

For communities with annual total assessments of more than $75,000, the PCA and OCA require the financial statement of to be reviewed in accordance with statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Audit of Association Affairs

After the turnover meeting, the owner-elected board of directors should conduct an audit of the affairs of the association. The board will ultimately need to decide the breadth and scope of the audit. However, consideration should, at a minimum, include a review of the following:

(1) Property Inspection. An inspection of the physical components of the association’s property is critical. In conjunction with such inspection, the following are recommended:

(a) An inspection of and written report regarding the physical condition of the development by someone with experience to recognize faulty workmanship, shoddy maintenance and construction defects.

(b) A written report by an engineer or other qualified person to determine if plans and specifications were followed in construction of the development.

(c) Determination of the status of any unfinished construction repairs.

(2) Association Status. The declaration and bylaws govern matters relating to the operation of the association, including whether it must be incorporated. Unless the declarant provided a copy of the articles of incorporation at the turnover meeting, the board of directors must review the governing documents and determine whether the association is required to be incorporated. If so, after confirming with the Corporation Division in the office of the Oregon Secretary of State, the board should cause the articles of incorporation to be drafted and filed in accordance with Oregon law.

(3) Association Records. As noted above, the PCA and the OCA require that the declarant deliver to the association at the turnover meeting specific documents and items. If not provided by the declarant, the board should specifically request:

-An original or photocopy of the recorded declaration and copies of the bylaws and articles of incorporation;

-A deed to the common property, unless contained within the declaration;

-The recorded minutes of the association and board of directors;

-All rules and regulations adopted by the declarant;

-Financial statements;

-Any and all records of association funds and accounts;

-Any and all tangible personal property of the association and an inventory of such property;

-Records of all property tax payments to be administered by the association;

-Copies of all income tax returns filed by declarant in the name of the association;

-Any and all bank signature cards;

-Reserve account and reserve study information;

(4) Assessment Collections Audit. There should be a complete analysis and evaluation of the collection process and the adequacy of the reserves fund. If there are a significant number of past due assessments, immediate action should be considered. Even if there are only a few assessments that are past due, it is recommended that if there is a transition committee, that it have a collection resolution drafted and ready for adoption by the owner-elected board of directors to facilitate the collection process. A professional reserve study may be needed to help properly fund this account.





Model Code of Ethics - Condominium and HOA Board Members

 Model Code of Ethics for Community

Association Board Members

Board members should:

Strive at all times to serve the best interests of the association as a whole regardless of their personal interests.

Use sound judgment to make the best possible business decisions for the association, taking into consideration all available information, circumstances and resources.

Act within the boundaries of their authority as defined by law and the governing documents of the association.

Provide opportunities for residents to comment on decisions facing the association.

Perform their duties without bias for or against any individual or group of owners or non-owner residents.

Disclose personal or professional relationships with any company or individual who has or is seeking to have a business relationship with the association.

Conduct open, fair and well-publicized elections.

Always speak with one voice, supporting all duly-adopted board decisions even if the board member was in the minority regarding actions that may not have obtained unanimous consent.

Board members should not:

Reveal confidential information provided by contractors or share information with those bidding for association contracts unless specifically authorized by the board.

Make unauthorized promises to a contractor or bidder.

Advocate or support any action or activity that violates a law or regulatory requirement.

Use their positions or decision-making authority for personal gain or to seek advantage over another owner or non-owner resident.

Spend unauthorized association funds for their own personal use or benefit.

Accept any gifts—directly or indirectly—from owners, residents, contractors or suppliers.

Misrepresent known facts in any issue involving association business.

Divulge personal information about any association owner, resident or employee that was obtained in the performance of board duties.

Make personal attacks on colleagues, staff or residents.

Harass, threaten or attempt through any means to control or instill fear in any board member, owner, resident, employee or contractor.

Reveal to any owner, resident or other third party the discussions, decisions and comments made at any meeting of the board properly closed or held in executive session.