Community Association Record Retention

Condominium and homeowner association accumulate large amounts of records over the years.  Community associations should consider adopting a record retention resolution which indicates the types of records and the amount of time those records will be kept.  Here is a list of common association records, along with recommendations for how long you should keep the records.

Permanent Records.

1.  As-built architectural, structural, engineering, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans.

2.  Original specifications indicating thereon all material changes.

3.  Plans for underground site service, site grading, drainage and landscaping together with cable television drawings.

4.  All other plans and information relevant to future repair or maintenance of the property.

5.  A list of the general contractor and the electrical, heating and plumbing subcontractors responsible for construction or installation of common property.

6.  Ownership meeting minutes.

7.  Board meeting minutes

8.  Corporate action taken by members or directors without a meeting.

9.  Records of all actions taken by committees of the board of directors in place of the board on behalf of the association.

10.  Resolutions adopted by the board relating to characteristics, qualifications, rights, limitations and obligations of members.

Records to Keep for 3 Years

1.  All written communications made to members in prior three years.

Records to Keep for 1 year

1.  Proxies and Ballots (one year from date of meeting).

Records to Keep Current Copies Of:

1.  Articles of Incorporation and amendments currently in effect.

2.  Bylaws and amendments currently in effect.

3.  List of names and business or home addresses of the current directors and officers.

4.  Most recent annual report delivered to the Secretary of State.

Recommended Non-Statutory Retention Periods.

1.  Contracts - 10 years from date of completion of contract.

2.  Insurance Policies - 10 years.

3.  Insurance Claims- 10 years.

4. Legal files-pleadings, judgments, other documentation - 10 years.

5. Tapes of board and association meetings - 1 year