
Real Estate Classes

Kevin Harker teaches numerous classes for realtors. Kevin is a certified instructor in Oregon and can provide continuing education credits to realtors.  In 2016 Kevin gave 44 presentations to real estate offices throughout the state. Here is a list of topics:

Reading and Understanding CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • What are CC&Rs and how are they created?

  • Enforcement of CC&Rs

  • Common provisions in CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • Interpreting and resolving conflicting CC&R provisions

Contract Law Fundamentals

  • Elements of a valid contract

  • Remedies for breach

  • Contract options

  • Common real estate provisions

Real Estate Conveyances

  • Types of deeds used to convey real estate

  • Elements of a deed

  • Mortgage overview

  • County recording systems

Understanding Statutory Liens

  • Types of statutory liens

  • Who may file liens

  • How liens arise

  • Perfecting a lien

  • Priority and foreclosure of liens

Boundaries and Legal Descriptions

  • Origin of boundaries and legal descriptions

  • How to understand legal descriptions

  • Boundary disputes

  • Adverse possession

Ethics for Realtors

  • Meaning of fiduciary

  • Duties to clients

  • Conflicts of interest

  • Handling client funds

Fair Housing and Discrimination

  • Federal Fair Housing Act

  • ADA

  • Protected classes

Easements and Licenses

  • How easements are created

  • Legal requirements for valid easements

  • Types of easements

  • Maintenance obligations under easements

Avoiding Realtor Liability

  • Statutory realtor duties

  • Fiduciary duties

  • Common claims against realtors

  • Handling claims and disputes

  • Errors and omissions insurance

Zoning and Land Use

  • History and origin of zoning

  • Oregon's land use system

  • Zoning designations

  • Handling land use claims

Drafting and Understanding Real Estate Contingencies

  • Formation of contracts

  • Legal requirements for contracts and contingencies

  • Common types of contingencies

  • Understanding legal implications of contingencies

Title Reports and Title Insurance

  • Origins of title insurance

  • Types of title insurance

  • Understanding title insurance exclusions and exceptions

  • How to read and interpret title reports

Oregon Landlord-Tenant Law

  • Landlord and tenant obligations

  • Grounds for eviction

  • Statutory requirements

  • Tenant screening and lease agreements

  • Eviction process

Creation and Conversion of Condominiums

  • Governing documents required to create condominiums

  • Ownership interests in condominiums

  • State authority and review of condominium projects

  • Conversion process and disclosures

  • Importance of reserve studies

Condominiums vs. Planned Communities

  • Statutory provisions governing condominiums and planned communities

  • Differences in ownership interests

  • Key distinctions in CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • Common property and common elements

  • Operational issues in condominiums and planned communities

Assistants Under the Law

  • What's considered professional real estate activity?

  • Activities non-licensed real estate assistants can and cannot do

  • Difference between a broker/principal broker and an unlicensed assistant

  • Discuss ethical rules governing non-licensed assistants

  • Discuss Oregon Real Estate License Law - ORS 696.290

Upcoming March Education Seminars

Topic: Amending Governing Documents

- Identifying provisions that are outdated, conflict with the law, or unworkable

- The process of drafting amendments

- Getting owners involved

- Proposing the amendments to owners

- Preparing and administering the voting process

- Finalizing and recording the amendments

Dates & Locations

March 10 - Portland

March 15 - Vancouver

March 17 - Bend

Visit for more information and to RSVP

Free Board Member Consultations During April

During the month of April Community Association Law Group is providing free, customized board consultation sessions. During the 1 hour session we'll: 1. Review your governing documents and identify any outdated, unclear, or ambiguous provisions;

2. Review your association's compliance with state law;

3. Discuss collection of delinquent assessments in your association; and

4. Answer any legal questions relating to your association and board.

Book now by clicking here.

March 12 Vancouver Board Training Recap

More than 30 board members and managers attended the education seminar in Vancouver, WA, on March 12, 2015.  Community Association Law Group attorney Kevin Harker presented "EFFECTIVE BOARDS: EFFICIENT MEETINGS, UNDERSTANDING GOVERNING DOCUMENTS, AND OWNER COMMUNICATION."  A copy of the slide show can be downloaded here: EFFECTIVE BOARDSFor information about future seminars, visit