Real Estate Classes

Kevin Harker teaches numerous classes for realtors. Kevin is a certified instructor in Oregon and can provide continuing education credits to realtors.  In 2016 Kevin gave 44 presentations to real estate offices throughout the state. Here is a list of topics:

Reading and Understanding CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • What are CC&Rs and how are they created?

  • Enforcement of CC&Rs

  • Common provisions in CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • Interpreting and resolving conflicting CC&R provisions

Contract Law Fundamentals

  • Elements of a valid contract

  • Remedies for breach

  • Contract options

  • Common real estate provisions

Real Estate Conveyances

  • Types of deeds used to convey real estate

  • Elements of a deed

  • Mortgage overview

  • County recording systems

Understanding Statutory Liens

  • Types of statutory liens

  • Who may file liens

  • How liens arise

  • Perfecting a lien

  • Priority and foreclosure of liens

Boundaries and Legal Descriptions

  • Origin of boundaries and legal descriptions

  • How to understand legal descriptions

  • Boundary disputes

  • Adverse possession

Ethics for Realtors

  • Meaning of fiduciary

  • Duties to clients

  • Conflicts of interest

  • Handling client funds

Fair Housing and Discrimination

  • Federal Fair Housing Act

  • ADA

  • Protected classes

Easements and Licenses

  • How easements are created

  • Legal requirements for valid easements

  • Types of easements

  • Maintenance obligations under easements

Avoiding Realtor Liability

  • Statutory realtor duties

  • Fiduciary duties

  • Common claims against realtors

  • Handling claims and disputes

  • Errors and omissions insurance

Zoning and Land Use

  • History and origin of zoning

  • Oregon's land use system

  • Zoning designations

  • Handling land use claims

Drafting and Understanding Real Estate Contingencies

  • Formation of contracts

  • Legal requirements for contracts and contingencies

  • Common types of contingencies

  • Understanding legal implications of contingencies

Title Reports and Title Insurance

  • Origins of title insurance

  • Types of title insurance

  • Understanding title insurance exclusions and exceptions

  • How to read and interpret title reports

Oregon Landlord-Tenant Law

  • Landlord and tenant obligations

  • Grounds for eviction

  • Statutory requirements

  • Tenant screening and lease agreements

  • Eviction process

Creation and Conversion of Condominiums

  • Governing documents required to create condominiums

  • Ownership interests in condominiums

  • State authority and review of condominium projects

  • Conversion process and disclosures

  • Importance of reserve studies

Condominiums vs. Planned Communities

  • Statutory provisions governing condominiums and planned communities

  • Differences in ownership interests

  • Key distinctions in CC&Rs and Bylaws

  • Common property and common elements

  • Operational issues in condominiums and planned communities

Assistants Under the Law

  • What's considered professional real estate activity?

  • Activities non-licensed real estate assistants can and cannot do

  • Difference between a broker/principal broker and an unlicensed assistant

  • Discuss ethical rules governing non-licensed assistants

  • Discuss Oregon Real Estate License Law - ORS 696.290